M&SWP Migration

Migration of data from MSWP 2.0 and six other systems into a Teamcenter-based M&SWP 3.0 solution


Multiple systems consolidated
into a single Teamcenter instance

Secure and responsible

Seamless process for data transfer
in different environments

Business Opportunities

    Migration of multiple legacy systems, operating under three different business processes (Carriers, Submarines, and Surface Ships), migrated into a single Teamcenter system with adoption of new business processes.
  • Enormous dataset: Billions of rows of data
  • Migrated over 100 million objects/relations
  • Required orderly migration
  • Operated in highly controlled Government environment


  • Large Volume: Over 100 million objects loaded into Teamcenter
  • Created over 50 different object types in the Teamcenter model during migration
  • Migrated in eQ’s secure environment, then moved the data to the customer’s environment
  • Multiple Deltas: 1 bulk, 1 delta in eQ's environment, 1 delta in DISA environment
  • Migrated U-NNPI data in a STIGs-compliant DISA environment
  • Simultaneously migrated from over six legacy systems to a single destination

eQube® Benefits

  • Responsibly migrated a huge amount of data using eQube-GMP, eQube-TM and eQube-MI
  • Created a web migration portal with an interactive checklist & execution links to minimize human errors
  • Refined a seamless process of transferring the entire data from one Teamcenter to other Teamcenter applications in different environments

eQube® Products used

  • eQube-MI, eQube-TM, eQube-GMP, and eQube-DP
  • Solution used both OOTB GMP processes and custom-built processes for specific implementations of migration and BMIDE logic
  • Performance was tuned to produce throughput as fast as 2500 objects per minute

