Digital Thread

Digital Thread / MBE

Automatically establish a digital thread across the organization

Digital Thread MBSE

As a core part of the Digital Transformation strategy, companies are adopting Model Based Enterprise (MBE) making Digital Thread initiatives paramount.

The eQube®-DaaS Platform automatically establishes enterprise-wide Digital Thread for the users and provides inherent capabilities for navigable relationships, fast search, impact analysis of proposed changes, as well as visibility in the health of the Digital Thread.

NAVY Model Based Product Support (MBPS)

NAVY Model Based Product Support (MBPS) capability
(Teamcenter, MRO, ERP/SAP, Legacy, IoT)

  • Synchronize data between Afloat (ship) and Ashore instances
  • Intuitive 'For-Purpose' App for sailors and technicians
  • ML based analytics to prevent catastrophic failures
  • Orchestrate data movement across dozen applications
  • Intuitive and stunning visualizations for timely decisions
  • Integrate data in a DDIL environment (Disrupted, Disconnected, Intermittent, Low-bandwidth)
eQube Digital Thread - MBSE-Enterprise Search App

Enterprise Digital Thread capability
(DOORS-NG, SysML, JIRA, ANSYS, Windchill,..)

  • Automatically establish a Digital Thread across applications
  • Create Digital Thread in the background on behalf of the users
  • Intuitive and stunning visualization to view / analyze the Digital Thread
  • Understand system-wide impact of changes
  • Fast search of the key artifacts
  • Navigable relationships
Firmware - Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)

Firmware - Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)
(DOORS-NG, SysML, Primavera, JIRA, Bit Bucket, ArtiFactory, Teamcenter)

  • Automatically establish the Digital Thread across applications
  • Create Digital Thread in the background on behalf of the users
  • Orchestrate business processes across the enterprise
  • Navigable relationships
  • Understand system-wide impact of changes
MEE capability

MEE capability
(SysML, JIRA, Minerva)

  • Create Digital Thread in the background on behalf of the users
  • Orchestrate business processes across the enterprise
  • Navigational relationships
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