Common Data Model & API factory

Common Data Model and API factory

Define, discover, reuse, and repurpose CDM and APIs

Common Data Model and API factory

Enterprise architects are embracing an 'API Factory' approach based on Common Data Model (CDM) to achieve a comprehensive integration framework for their organizations.

To support the Common Data Model (CDM) approach, there is a need to capture its definition, create, update, catalogue APIs supporting the CDM, and integration business requirements. Many of these APIs are expected to be composite APIs covering data from multiple systems (COTS, GOTS, legacy, sensory data, & streaming data).

The APIs are expected to be REST APIs or OData APIs or Webservices while data exchange formats are JSON, SOAP, OAGIS, and more. Newer versions of some COTS products are supporting REST or OData APIs OOTB. However, even to access data from a single COTS system, the business needs necessitates traversal of multiple objects. Its indeed a tough task to achieve in practice with an OOTB API. In addition, REST or OData APIs shipped with the COTS product work with its OOTB object model. However, many reasonably sized implementations require extensions of the OOTB model, and updates to its OOTB APIs. To address these challenges, IT departments have to have programmers code and maintain the APIs required to implement the CDM approach, making it a laborious and expensive approach.

The eQube® Integration Suite, made up of eQube®-MI, eQube®-TM, and eQube®-AG, provides comprehensive capabilities to define, discover, update, reuse, and repurpose APIs. eQube® being a powerful Low/No-code integration platform, enterprise architects are able to define CDMs at the enterprise level and the developers are able to visually create / publish APIs for their integration solutions. Essentially, with eQube®-DaaS, an efficient API factory can be established to support the CDM approach.

OData API – Tc+SalesForce - data federation

Composite OData API from PLM & CRM
(Teamcenter & Salesforce)

  • Ability to create composite map to mash up data from Teamcenter & Salesforce
  • Can work with any application version, new or old
  • This capability is applicable to any COTS or legacy systems
  • Single composite OData API that brings data from both systems
  • Build 'For-Purpose' Apps fast with OData APIs
OData APIs for 4 Tc Versions using eQube-DaaS

Define OData API for new or old version of an application
(4 versions of Teamcenter)

  • Core capability to define OData API for COTS/legacy system data
  • Core capability that works with new and old versions of any system
  • Video demonstrates OData API definition for 4 versions of Teamcenter
  • Teamcenter versions: 1 new, 2 older versions, and 1 customized
Building Product Data Hub with eQube DaaS Platform

Building Product Data Hub
(Agile PLM, SAP, Legacy systems)

  • CDM based solution
  • CDM used as a neutral model to map existing and new systems
  • Multiple solutions possible:
    • Migration - responsible retirement of legacy system
    • Smart Master data management - built around CDM and eQ smart cache
    • Efficient integrations - moving from legacy to new
Consuming Bosch APIs in eQube Platform

Consuming pre-built APIs into composite APIs
(Windchill, JSON)

  • Ability to combine APIs into composite APIs
  • Define composite APIs with Low/No-code
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