Implement a schedule-based lifecycle maintenance platform established on a multitude of maintenance strategies, inputs, and conditions
Automated data correction through a stateless logical process
Seamlessly orchestrated workflows
Rapidly deployed data integration
Business Opportunities
- The magnitude of maintenance requirements and inputs necessitated a continuously-running functionality to update the maintenance forecast. This would help solve key problems by quickly and accurately
maintaining the highest safety confidence, predicting overdue maintenance before it occurs, and estimating the cost of maintaining ships throughout their lifecycle.
- This capability required a solution that is not available in Teamcenter
- The eQube-MI solution was used to address this requirement
- Integration with several Teamcenter approval processes to continuously update every platform’s forecast
- Downstream the integration using Package Manager and Requirement Owner notification workflows. of immediate notification of potential issues and actions to the correct owning individual
- Results of the Auto Scheduler Forecast are the same as the list of maintenance jobs that will materialize into a maintenance package
- A stateless logical process that automatically corrects data errors
eQube® Benefits
- eQube-MI augmented Teamcenter to bridge the gap in its capabilities.
- The solution is triggered by data creation and approval processes integrated with Teamcenter workflows
eQube® Products used
- eQube-MI Orchestration through Queues | Poll Controlling