Augmented data analytics

Augmented Data Analytics

Apply machine learning for schema discovery & semantics

Augmented data analytics

eQube®-ADA provides advanced analytics capabilities. It incorporates Machine Learning (ML) and Advanced Statistics techniques for automated data discovery: to identify patterns, clusters, anomalies, textual insights, forecasting, time series decomposition, and text similarity in data. It leverages state-of-the-art ML libraries like scikit-learn, Dask, statsmodels and Spark-ML. In addition, it has innovative Augmented semantic modelling capabilities to auto discover schema and create semantic model based on the data. With ADA, analysis pipelines are defined for specific use cases (tasks) that incorporate multiple ML techniques as steps in the pipeline. The task results, made up of trained models and datasets, are consumed using REST APIs across eQube® offerings (MI, BI, and DP).

NAVY Model Based Product Support (MBPS)

NAVY Model Based Product Support (MBPS) capability
(Teamcenter, MRO, ERP/SAP, Legacy, IoT)

  • Synchronize data between Afloat (ship) and Ashore instances
  • Intuitive 'For-Purpose' App for sailors and technicians
  • ML based analytics to prevent catastrophic failures
  • Orchestrate data movement across dozen applications
  • Intuitive and stunning visualizations for timely decisions
  • Integrate data in a DDIL environment (Disrupted, Disconnected, Intermittent, Low-bandwidth)
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Integration Suite

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Analytics Suite

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